Mastering Marital Finances

At Strada Wealth Management, we partner with you to manage the financial aspects of life's most transformative experiences: marriage, divorce, and remarriage. Our holistic services aim to bring clarity and constructive strategies to every stage of your marital journey. We believe in achieving positive financial outcomes through thoughtful mediation, collaborative efforts, and informed guidance.

Navigating Divorce

Guidance Through Financial Transformation: Divorce marks a period of profound financial change. Strada Wealth Management stands by your side, offering services uniquely tailored to navigate this challenging time.

  • Strategic Planning in Divorce: Our PlanningThruDivorce method provides a structured approach to navigate the financial complexities of divorce. We bring our expertise to the forefront, helping you sidestep common pitfalls that could jeopardize your financial well-being. Focusing on your long-term financial necessities and aspirations, we guide your decision-making process, enabling you to maintain financial control and make choices that reflect your individual circumstances.

  • Neutral Financial Collaboration: As Collaborative Financial Neutrals, we deliver impartial financial advice during the divorce process. Within the framework of collaborative divorce, we examine and explain financial possibilities neutrally, aiding both parties in grasping the consequences of their decisions and facilitating equitable financial settlements. Our objective is to secure a just and enduring financial outlook for all individuals involved.


Leveraging Expert Partnerships for Comprehensive Solutions: Our Co-Mediation Services are underscored by our collaboration with Board Certified attorneys, ensuring that our clients benefit from a blend of premier legal advice and Strada’s financial expertise. This strategic partnership is crucial for navigating sensitive financial deliberations, facilitating consensus on asset division, support obligations, and more. With a focus on avoiding protracted court disputes, this collaborative approach promotes amicable settlements backed by the pinnacle of legal and financial counsel.

Re-Marriage Financial Strategies

Crafting Financial Unity for New Beginnings: Merging lives and assets in a subsequent union introduces distinct challenges and opportunities. Strada Wealth Management provides expert assistance for re-marriage scenarios, concentrating on prenuptial agreements, comprehensive estate planning, and the harmonious integration of family finances. Our mission is to establish a sturdy financial base that underpins your new familial and personal objectives.

Mediation Services

Promoting Financial Harmony: Our Mediation Services extend to all manner of financial disputes or decisions within a family setting, not limited to marital mediation alone. Whether negotiating financial duties, inheritance issues, or other monetary conflicts, our adept mediators steer productive discourse aiming for solutions that respect the interests of all parties involved.

Marital Mediation

Collaborating on Marital Finances: Our Marital Mediation services are crafted to support couples at any relationship phase in making prudent financial decisions collaboratively. Our focus on encouraging dialogue, mutual understanding, and shared objectives demonstrates that constructive solutions are possible without resorting to divorce.

  • Foundational Financial Decisions Pre-Marriage: We guide engaged couples in establishing a solid financial base for their union, tackling essential discussions about merging finances, managing existing debts, and formulating joint financial goals.

  • Financial Decision-Making in Marriage: For couples encountering financial obstacles or seeking to refine their financial approach, we provide advice on effective budgeting, savvy investing, and preparing for significant life events as a unified team.

Strada Wealth Management acknowledges the intricate intertwining of emotional and financial factors in marriage and divorce. Our approach is anchored in empathy, profound financial acumen, and an unwavering commitment to the fiscal health of our clients. Allow us to accompany you on your financial voyage, offering the clarity and assistance you need to thrive through all marital phases.

Navigate Life's Changes with Confidence

Life's financial transitions require expert navigation. Book a consultation with Jennifer and harness the power of Strada Wealth Management to move forward with confidence.
