Supporting Legal Professionals

Strada Wealth Management acknowledges the intricate challenges and pressures of divorce proceedings. We've tailored our services to enhance the capabilities of divorce attorneys, ensuring their clients secure the best possible outcomes. With a robust foundation in financial clarity, equity, and efficiency, we are equipped to provide comprehensive guidance, meticulous tracing and characterization of assets, thorough financial analysis, and articulate expert courtroom explanations throughout the divorce journey.

Co-Mediation Services with Board Certified Attorneys

Harnessing the Strength of Professional Alliances for Holistic Resolutions: Strada Wealth Management's Co-Mediation Services thrive on our partnership with Board Certified family law attorneys, providing our clients with a superior mix of expert legal insight and Strada’s comprehensive financial acumen.

This alliance is essential for adeptly handling delicate financial matters, guiding both parties towards agreement on asset allocation, support duties, and beyond. Aimed at circumventing lengthy courtroom confrontations, our cooperative strategy encourages friendly resolutions, supported by top-tier legal and financial guidance.

For a list of attorneys with whom we partner, please visit:

Litigation Support

Invaluable Financial Insight for Legal Challenges: In scenarios demanding legal intervention over financial disputes, Strada Wealth Management’s Litigation Support services become an essential asset. Offering detailed analysis, authoritative testimony, and the capability to demonstrate the financial sustainability of settlement options in court, Jennifer enhances your legal arguments with deep, unbiased financial insight. This ensures a comprehensive understanding of the long-term outcomes of financial arrangements, bolstering your case with rigorously compiled financial information.

Collaborative Law Financial Neutral

Unbiased Financial Guidance in Collaborative Settings: Acting as a neutral financial advisor in the collaborative divorce process, Strada Wealth Management meticulously evaluates the financial landscape, including asset tracing and characterization, to present unbiased insights on equitable asset division. This crucial work facilitates smoother, less adversarial negotiations, allowing parties to reach mutually agreeable settlements informed by solid financial analysis.

Financial Forensics and Tracing

Illuminating Asset Histories for Fair Distribution: Our Financial Forensics and Tracing service provides attorneys with the specialist knowledge required for revealing hidden assets and identifying the fine line between individual and joint property. By examining the intricacies of asset history and current status, we ensure assets are characterized accurately according to legal norms, advocating for equitable distribution that upholds the client’s best interests.

Characterization of Assets

Precision in Distinguishing Property Types: The characterization of assets as either separate or marital is crucial in divorce proceedings. Strada Wealth Management leverages its expertise to assess assets’ origins, transactions, and legal standings, ensuring the precise classification aligns with state laws. This methodical approach promises a division that is equitable and transparent, meticulously safeguarding client rights.

Financial Analysis

Comprehensive Financial Examination for Strategic Insights: Our Financial Analysis services delve into the components of income, expenses, assets, and liabilities, including detailed asset tracing and characterization. Offering a deep understanding of both parties’ financial situations, these insights refine negotiation strategies and improve case outcomes.

Settlement Option Generation

Constructing Tailored, Equitable Settlements: Strada Wealth Management specializes in formulating innovative settlement proposals that meet the nuanced needs of all involved parties. Incorporating a forward-looking financial perspective and thorough asset characterization, we ensure settlements are not only fair but also informed by strategic financial planning.

Strada Wealth Management stands as an indispensable ally to divorce attorneys, providing specialized financial services engineered to navigate the complex landscape of divorce. By collaborating with Board Certified attorneys in our Co-Mediation Services, we align with true legal experts, ensuring our joint efforts result in meticulous asset tracing, accurate asset characterization, and strategic financial planning — all wrapped in the essential legal guidance clients require. Through this synergistic approach, we streamline the divorce process and achieve the most advantageous outcomes for your clients.
